As you probably know, there are a lot of products on the market that will teach you how to make money with a website.
Some of these products are not cheap... $1000+ is not uncommon.
Then, once you are armed with the necessary information, you need to dig in your heels and get to work.
2 months... 6 months... or 24 months later... you are still trying to put the pieces together.
Sound familiar?
One of the biggest mistakes I see online entrepreneurs make is trying to do everything all at once.
Being a "jack of all trades, master of none", as the saying goes.
You research, research, research... become an HTML master and conversion expert, install some site building software, build a website... and then what?
Have you ever considered buying an existing web business? (letting someone else do all the hard work for you)
If so.... not so fast.
Basically, you have two options which I will cover below. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.
Option #1: Buy an established website
Unfortunately, there are plenty of scam artists out there who will sell you a money making website that looks decent, but in reality it's a piece of garbage.
(Note: Beware. eBay is full of these crappy sites for sale)
Did you know that it's actually quite easy to artificially inflate the Page Rank of a website or show traffic stats that suddenly drop off once you buy the site?
Bottom line. It's easy for you to get "duped" into buying a dead-beat website that isn't worth 10 bucks.
Option #2. Build and market your own website
Building and marketing your own profitable website is actually a lot easier than you might think especially if you have the right knowledge at hand.
The problem is trying to piece together all the tidbits of information from the multitude of resources that you will find online and unless you stay extremely focused it will often lead to information overload and you will find yourself stuck in a rut while spinning your wheels and getting nowhere.
I for one think it is wise to establish your self with one single resource that covers all aspects of internet marketing thereby saving you hundreds of hours in research time as well as minimizing any risk of failure.
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