Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Make Money Giving Away Valuable Content

Here are three quick tips for making money with a free offer. You'll want to keep this one in your marketing tips folder for later. You want to make money with every chance possible from your mailing list, from the time your visitor goes to your Lead Capture Page until he stays subscribed to your E-zine. Here are how you can make money from the following ways:

One Time Offer
Create a compilation of products that work together to solve your prospect's problem. This offer should be feature rich and irresistible to the person who just signed up for your free offer. The OTO must be related to the problem or interest of the prospect or you are wasting their time.

The idea is to bring a prospect in to your web page with a free offer and give them an opportunity to purchase this one-time offer at a special price. You can set up the mechanism to deter them from going back to the OTO page on their own in the future.

If you set your Google Pay Per Click to allow for 100 clicks a day, you will realize a certain number of clicks each day that translate into sales. You must allow for ROI to determine if Pay Per Click advertising will pay for itself. Of course you could factor in the cost of getting subscribers as well.

Product Testing With Your List
When your subscriber fills in the opt-in form to join your mailing list and get your free report, he will first see your One Time Offer page. If the subscriber does not purchase your offer, you still have the opportunity to make additional offers to them in the future.

Now let's take a look at another opportunity to make money from your list. If you produce articles for article marketing, you know how easy it is to generate interest and track it using keyword driven articles. If you are an author, you can easily track your articles and determine which ones are more successful and which ones are just sitting there. If you have several outstanding efforts and you notice a trend in a particular group of articles, you need to create a report on that particular niche subject. Once you do, create a special page for your email list to purchase the new report at a discount.

Track your results and determine if the price was appropriate or if you could raise the price comfortably for your subscribers. As a matter of fact, you can test the product again later on and raise the price. If you are still receiving sales at the new price, the previous price was too low.

Joint Venture Madness
The final tip for today is create joint ventures with others (be sure to pick appropriate partners who have compatible products for your market). The JV offers should be free with an OTO for back end sales. If you recommend a product that has no free initial offer, you will have to sell your subscribers on the recommendation.

An initial JV free offer gives them a chance to get to know and trust your JV partner the way they do you.

You in turn will have the same opportunity with your JV partner to get your list growing with an opportunity to make sales on the back end as well.

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