How many times has this happened to you? You're short on cash and you need to find a way to make some extra money as fast as possible. You can sell your unwanted items online or in the classified. You can go ahead a do some yard work for your neighbors. What do you do when you've already sold everything that you can to raise some money? What happens when you live near people who don't need assistance with the yard?
Here's a couple of ideas that came in handy for me back when I was younger and wanted more money to go on vacation to Jamaica with my friends, to get that much needed work done on my car (or I wouldn't have been able to go to my regular job) or just to have some money to take my girlfriend out some where special.
The problem with getting a second job to make some extra money is that you have to find the job first, and then wait two to three weeks before your first paycheck. Another issue is that Uncle Sam takes out his money which won't leave you much afterward. Let's not forget that doing that may also change the tax bracket that your in. Which in turn will cost you more money when you file your taxes at the end of the year.
So what job can you get that can help you make money and avoid the issues that I just spoke about?
Like with anything in your life, you need to plan ahead to make the most out of it and this is no different. Before you find yourself in a financial bind you need to set the wheels in motion.
Have you ever thought about working as a bartender? The pay is good, it's tax free and most of all you get paid at the end of each shift. If you have a typical nine to five shift, the bartending hours won't effect your regular job. You won't have even worry about working too many nights either. In most cases you will only work three nights in any given week.
The reason I say that you need to plan ahead is because you will need some basic training in bar tending. It's not difficult, but it does require some instructions. You can take a six week course which will cost you about $400-$1000. That money can be made back in just a few shifts. The course is six weeks because it usually meets one to two nights a week for about two hours each time.
Look through you local yellow pages for classes nearest you. You won't believe how much fun you'll have making money fast.
recession currency trading