Thursday, November 12, 2009

Make Money Through Negotiation and Clear Communication

Make Money Through Negotiation and Clear Communication

Most people view negotiation as conflict. Since most people avoid conflict, they never become good negotiators. And unfortunately, they never make money at the levels they rightfully deserve. In truth, negotiation and clear communication are the pathways to success. In fact good negotiation is harmonious because both parties are clearly communicating what they want and desire. Even in cases where the desired ends cannot be realized, both have been honest and probably left the door open for future talks should situations change.

Good negotiators are good communicators. They are able to get to the heart of the matter quickly without being brusque or seeming rushed. This helps maximize the time spent in negotiation and also minimizes the margin for error or misunderstanding.

In addition a good negotiator is a good listener. The conversation goes both ways so being quiet and actively listening is sometimes more important than speaking.

In business negotiations particularly the negotiators must understand exactly what is possible to accept or offer and what represents a deal killer. Therefore he or she must be very knowledgeable about all aspects of the deal in play.

Knowing all the factors from both perspectives allows the negotiator to quickly analyze offers made or rejected. Being able to read the situation clearly can sometimes turn what looks like a loss into a win.

Typical negotiation steps include: Planning - gathering data and research. Initiation - the process of beginning the contact between parties. Bartering - the act of making offers and accepting or rejecting counter offers. Finalization - closing the deal. You can make money through negotiation if you study and practice these steps carefully.

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