If you're reading this, there is no doubt you're looking to make money off the internet. Maybe you've been reading about Bum Marketing and you're doing some extra research or maybe you like to write articles and are looking for a way to cash in on them. Either way, you've stumbled upon one of the most important articles you will ever read about making money off the internet.
Bum marketing, also called article marketing, is a great concept and has helped many people make money off the internet. It is basic, very simple internet marketing that anyone can implement quickly to earn extra money. In a nutshell, all you need to do is find an affiliate product that you want to promote, gather some pertinent keywords related to your product or niche, write articles and submit them to directories to drive internet traffic to your designated web site.
Fast, simple, free.
While the process is simple and works like magic, there are some problems with the concept for some folks. Not everyone wants to write articles. Some people don't have the time to write articles. And still other people don't think they are capable of writing articles.
To these people, making money off the internet using articles may not seem like such a great idea. It might even seem far fetched.
Fact is, though, there are very simple solutions to even those obstacles which will have you pulling down some cash in no time flat.
If you don't want to write articles or feel you don't have the time to write articles, you can hire someone to write them for you for a just few dollars per article. You can find ghostwriters at places like Elance and Craig's list or by doing a quick search on Google.
If you're feeling a little skiddish about writing your own articles, I'll let you in on a little secret. Everyone has felt the same way. You're not alone. We all feel nervous and have doubts about our abilities. And I'll let you in on another secret; it's not nearly as hard as you think it is. And guess what else? If you do take the plunge, you'll be light years ahead of the folks who hire someone to write for them. Really.
Here's 4 solid tips you can use right now to help you write your own effective articles to help you make money off the internet:
Use correct grammar, make it easy to read, make it interesting and be informative.
This is ultra simple. Use the spell check and grammar check function on your computer for the first part of the equation, write at a sixth grade level (nothing fancy) to make it easy to read and provide information people want in a conversational style instead of boring text book style and you've got the winning recipe.
It's that easy. It is. If I can do it (and if you reading this, obviously I am) so can you.
Okay, let's move on to the good stuff now that we've eliminated any concerns over how to use articles to make money off the internet.
As I mentioned a minute ago we can use Article Marketing/Bum Marketing to generate some affiliate sales (see bummarketingmethod.com for details if you are not familiar with article marketing for a free in-depth report on this) to make some extra cash but that is certainly not the only way.
If you are going to write your own articles, which I hope you will decide to do after reading this article, the sky is the limit. Here's some quick ways to earn some money on the internet fast.
The first thing we want to do is submit our articles to a article directory site such as AssociatedContent.com. Associated Content will pay you anywhere from $3 to $20 per article you submit that they accept. Submit ten articles per month and you'll immediately earn $30 to $200 bucks. Submit 50 articles per month and you'll earn $150 to $1000 per month.
That's easy money. And that's only the beginning.
Rewrite those same articles and then submit them to a place like EzineArticles.com and you can drive massive traffic to one of your blogs or sites to make affiliate commissions with the method we just described above. That's more cash in your pocket for just a little bit of extra work.
Step three is to take those articles you wrote (or hired someone to write for you) and combine them into your own report or ebook and make even more money.
This is exactly how the gurus pull in massive amounts of cash!
Write (or buy) articles and submit them to sites like Associated Content to earn instant cash ($3 - $20 per article). Then spend a few minutes rewriting those articles and submit them to sites like EzineArticles to drive traffic and make money from affiliate sales. Then take your articles and combine them into your own $47 report and make even more money.
It works like a charm... every time... for everyone. It's that simple.
Follow the above formula and you too will easily make money off internet using nothing but articles. It's fast, simple and free
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