Everyone has seen the following spammy looking post on some forum they have been to: Make Money Using Paypal! Just send $1 to everyone on this list, and then put your email address at the top and spam the internet to death yourself! It's easy!
Well, it might be easy (and even that is up for debate), but it's certainly not legitimate - not by a longshot. Think about it. It's the very essence of a chain letter scheme. Does it really make sense that any legitimate business opportunity would ever be presented to you via forum spam? Or email spam? Or myspace comment spam? No. No it does not.
However, despite the way it clearly defies logic, many people every day are sucked in by the scam. Why? What could it possibly be? Well, it's the same reason why people still see the "Make Money Stuffing Envelopes" ads and hope they might be real. It's because people are desperate to believe that something they could do, at home, in their spare time, could actually make them money.
They are so desperate to believe it, in fact, that they will even believe that they can make money by sending other people money and then hoping others will do the same for them. There are a lot of desperate people in the world - it's actually very sad.
The thing that makes it truly tragic is that there actually are many, many legitimate ways to make money using Paypal, and they don't involve getting tangled up in a scam. Best of all, they aren't even hard - they are things that anyone with a little bit of dedication and time can accomplish.
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